Black Mirror Reflection

This Black Mirror episode (which is a Netflix original series) was extremely stressful to watch and so sad to watch. I was definitely not a fan of this episode. I have never watched Black Mirror before and this was not an episode that would convince me to keep watching it. It is weird to think that this could be what our future looks like. Our society is so obsessed with technology and constant attention, but at least it hasn’t come to what it was like in this Black Mirror episode. We get so caught up in our Twitter or Instagram posts and likes that sometimes we lose sight of what is actually important, which is face to face communication with our friends and family, but just imagine if the way we lived was having to get constant attention and constant gratification from absolute strangers through posts and through what others thought of you? That would be absolutely horrible and SO stressful!

In this episode of Black Mirror everyone’s focus is only to get a high rating. A rating that defines who you are, how you act, what you can do, and what you can afford and buy. If that was how our society worked it would end just as bad as it did in the show. People can not always be bright and sunny and act like angels all of the time! Sometimes you just need to say what is on your mind. That is a horrible way to live your life, always stressed out about being rated badly and always having to watch what you say and what you do just to please other people! That is no way to live at all.

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The scary thing is about the way people lived in this episode is that our society is slowly starting to resemble it in different ways. People in our society are getting so caught up in their content and focusing so much on branding themselves that it becomes their whole life. Social media platforms are starting to pay people that have a larger following base that post good content and that get more likes than the average person. This causes other people that are not famous or have thousands of followers to gain followers by posting content such as those who are famous. For example posting photos that are sexually revealing or editing their photos so that they look different than how they actually look just to get a larger following base. This creates people that are only obsessed with gaining more followers in order to get more money. 

Image result for nosedive black mirror

Overall I think this episode is very relatable for how our future could potentially be, but that is definitely not a good thing! Hopefully our society will continue to focus on what is important in life and put down technology. 

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